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TO WHOM IT MAY PLEASE - Dr. Mrs Luisa Estrada

První výskyt: 10.2005

Text hoaxu

Dear Friend,

Though this approach appears desperate, difficulties encountered in efforts to establish a business abroad necessitate this search for someone to assist me in securing and investing the sum of USD18,000,000 (eighteen million dollars) deposited in my name abroad.

By way of summarized profile of myself, I am Dr Luisa Estrada, a 64years old lady and the wife of Joseph Ejercito Estrada(former head of state and President of Philippines) From past experiences, many people I had regarded as close friends and relatives has capitalize on my family's travail to run away with my money. In order to avert this negative development, I in
conjunction with my son now seek your permission to allow us do a CHANGE OF WNERSHIP/REASSIGNMENT

OF CREDIT of stated funds from the deposit company to your name, so that the funds (US$18million)would be released to you as the BENEFICIARY (on behalf of me and my family).Our family trustee have secretly protected the deposit, you are to assist us to lay claims of the funds with the aid of all legal documents that will be forwarded to you as time goes on. If you agree to help, we shall discuss the disbursement ratio in our next correspondence after we have been acquainted. I have decided to offer 20% of the above sum to anyone who assists us to secure this funds overseas or 20% share for possible help on investing in any reliable venture.

No doubt this proposal will make you apprehensive, please I employ you to observe utmost confidentiality and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us.PLEASE INDICATE YOUR INTEREST BY RESPONDING TO MY ALTERNATIVE EMAIL ADDRESS. mrjuestrada@myway.com WITH THE FOLLOWING INFO.

Your full name and address

Your telephone/fax numbers.

Once I receive this information, my son will prepare the necessary documents that will put you in place as the new owner of the funds. The money will then be released to your custody by the Deposit Company.

Awaiting your swift response.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Mrs Luisa Estrada.


Adresa stránky: http://www.hoax.cz/scam419/to-whom-it-may-please---dr-mrs-luisa-estrada/
Alternativní odkaz: http://www.hoax.cz/index.php?section=scam419&action=hoax_detail&id=450

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