Text hoaxu
Good day
Let me start by introducing myself, I am MRS MARIFE CARREON DERONA, CREDIT ACCOUNTS OFFICER EQUITABLE PCI BANK. I am writing you this letter based on the latest development at my bank, which I will like to bring to your personal edification. I am writing you this letter with so much joy and excitement even though my heart goes out to the very powerful and distinguished gentleman who I was fortunate to have worked for and extremely privileged to have known for numerous years. I am a top official in charge of client accounts in EQUITABLE PCI BANK inside the Philippines.
In 2001, my client was going through a horrendous divorce in the United States Of America and was on the verge of losing most of his estate to his vicious and diabolical wife. As a result of this alarming predicament, my client came to me with a very brilliant idea. He transferred some funds, ten million two hundred thousand dollars($10.2m) to a fixed deposit account in my bank under an alias which only the two of us knew about as the confidentiality of the matter was necessary for his protection. Due to his untimely death in early 2002, the funds have been sitting in the account ever since and will continue to do so perpetually unless we do something about it. This is where you come in. I located you through an agency that helps seek people by their email. My client did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I would like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of ki!
n to our client so that you will be able to receive his funds.
I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we can come out successful. I have contacted an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to my client. All that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you.
There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. The allocation of our money will be as follows: 20%($2.02m) to you for your part in this, 75% for me and my partners and 5% for any unforeseeable expenses we may incur. I think this is extremely fair, as you have nothing to lose but just a little time, while on the other hand I am staking my flawless reputation among other things. And besides $2.02 million is no pocket change. Once you are approved, the entire transaction should take no longer than twelve business days after which we will go about our daily business, but just millions of dollars richer.
As you can see this is easier than taking candy from a baby, but mind you, trust is something that is developed over time and that is something that we do not have. So I have to let you know that it will highly unfeasible to try to run away with the money because even though only you can transfer money in and out of your account, the transfer can only be authorized by my department of which i happen to be the head. The money will be transferred from my bank to an account you will provide. So please, there should be no room for greed because ten million two hundred thousand dollars can quench even the most insatiable desire for the almighty dollar.
Again, I will be in charge of everything else. I will assume all responsibilities for this endeavor so you don�t have to worry about any legal ramifications, just what you will do with all that money. Your urgent response is highly anticipated so please email me for more details on this transaction as soon as possible. This should be kept very secret and confidential� I believe you know. If interested please reply to this email address:derona_marife@excite.com
kind Regards,
Marife C. Derona.
Good day
Let me start by introducing myself, I am MRS MARIFE CARREON DERONA, CREDIT ACCOUNTS OFFICER EQUITABLE PCI BANK. I am writing you this letter based on the latest development at my bank, which I will like to bring to your personal edification. I am writing you this letter with so much joy and excitement even though my heart goes out to the very powerful and distinguished gentleman who I was fortunate to have worked for and extremely privileged to have known for numerous years. I am a top official in charge of client accounts in EQUITABLE PCI BANK inside the Philippines.
In 2001, my client was going through a horrendous divorce in the United States Of America and was on the verge of losing most of his estate to his vicious and diabolical wife. As a result of this alarming predicament, my client came to me with a very brilliant idea. He transferred some funds, ten million two hundred thousand dollars($10.2m) to a fixed deposit account in my bank under an alias which only the two of us knew about as the confidentiality of the matter was necessary for his protection. Due to his untimely death in early 2002, the funds have been sitting in the account ever since and will continue to do so perpetually unless we do something about it. This is where you come in. I located you through an agency that helps seek people by their email. My client did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I would like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of ki!
n to our client so that you will be able to receive his funds.
I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we can come out successful. I have contacted an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to my client. All that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you.
There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. The allocation of our money will be as follows: 20%($2.02m) to you for your part in this, 75% for me and my partners and 5% for any unforeseeable expenses we may incur. I think this is extremely fair, as you have nothing to lose but just a little time, while on the other hand I am staking my flawless reputation among other things. And besides $2.02 million is no pocket change. Once you are approved, the entire transaction should take no longer than twelve business days after which we will go about our daily business, but just millions of dollars richer.
As you can see this is easier than taking candy from a baby, but mind you, trust is something that is developed over time and that is something that we do not have. So I have to let you know that it will highly unfeasible to try to run away with the money because even though only you can transfer money in and out of your account, the transfer can only be authorized by my department of which i happen to be the head. The money will be transferred from my bank to an account you will provide. So please, there should be no room for greed because ten million two hundred thousand dollars can quench even the most insatiable desire for the almighty dollar.
Again, I will be in charge of everything else. I will assume all responsibilities for this endeavor so you don�t have to worry about any legal ramifications, just what you will do with all that money. Your urgent response is highly anticipated so please email me for more details on this transaction as soon as possible. This should be kept very secret and confidential� I believe you know. If interested please reply to this email address:derona_marife@excite.com
kind Regards,
Marife C. Derona.
Princip podvodných dopisů - SCAM 419
Podvodná skupina rozešle obdobné podvodné dopisy na milióny adres. Pisatel(ka) se většinou vydává za Nigerijského občana, ale nebývá žádnou výjimkou i jiná země.
Cílové adresy jsou posbírané z mnoha různých zdrojů po celém světe. Podvodné gangy mohou využít vlastní nástroje pro sběr adres nebo některou databázi koupit.
Pak už stačí jen čekat, až se někdo na podobný e-mail nachytá. Přestože se to zdá neuvěřitelné, počet naivních lidí, které zláká snadná vidina bohatství, bývá několik procent. Mezi nimi jsou i lidé s vyšším vzděláním, doktoři a právníci.
Jakmile oběť odpoví, podvodníci s vyžádají potřebné informace, aby mohli transakci uskutečnit. Pokud je dotyčná osoba nedůvěřivá, mají podvodníci pro ni připraveny falešné dokumenty, certifíkáty, zfalšovaná potvrzení třetích stran, údajně zapojených do obchodu a nechybí ani připravené internetové stránky falešných bank nebo fiktivních přepravních společností, na nichž si nedůvěřivá oběť může "ověřit" podstrčené informace.
Plánovaný převod peněz se z nějakého fiktivního důvodu nepovede a podvodníci začnou tahat z oběti peníze na nečekané výdaje - různé poplatky a úplatky. Případně jsou požadovány různé doklady a informace. Vše trvá tak dlouho, dokud je postižený ochotný platit.
V některých případech se stalo, že zločinci žádali oběť o návštěvu Nigérie nebo jiné země k dokončení transakce. Zde pak dojde k setkání falešnými nebo se zkorumpovanými úředníky. Postupně se začnou se objevovat další problémy a pro jejich vyřízení je potřeba uhradit další poplatky. Pokud se oběť snaží z obchodu vycouvat, bývá různě vydírána. V některých případech byla dokonce i zavražděna.
Na podvodné dopisy nedoporučuje reagovat, protože se tím potvrdí funkčnost adresy a na ni pak mohou být zasílány další podvodné nabídky, falešné loterie a podobně.
Rozhodně se vyvarujte zasílání různých soukromých údajů, čísla pasu nebo dokonce jeho fotokopií, protože i tyto údaje pak mohou být snadno zneužity k jiné trestné činnosti.
Podvodná skupina rozešle obdobné podvodné dopisy na milióny adres. Pisatel(ka) se většinou vydává za Nigerijského občana, ale nebývá žádnou výjimkou i jiná země.
Cílové adresy jsou posbírané z mnoha různých zdrojů po celém světe. Podvodné gangy mohou využít vlastní nástroje pro sběr adres nebo některou databázi koupit.
Pak už stačí jen čekat, až se někdo na podobný e-mail nachytá. Přestože se to zdá neuvěřitelné, počet naivních lidí, které zláká snadná vidina bohatství, bývá několik procent. Mezi nimi jsou i lidé s vyšším vzděláním, doktoři a právníci.
Jakmile oběť odpoví, podvodníci s vyžádají potřebné informace, aby mohli transakci uskutečnit. Pokud je dotyčná osoba nedůvěřivá, mají podvodníci pro ni připraveny falešné dokumenty, certifíkáty, zfalšovaná potvrzení třetích stran, údajně zapojených do obchodu a nechybí ani připravené internetové stránky falešných bank nebo fiktivních přepravních společností, na nichž si nedůvěřivá oběť může "ověřit" podstrčené informace.
Plánovaný převod peněz se z nějakého fiktivního důvodu nepovede a podvodníci začnou tahat z oběti peníze na nečekané výdaje - různé poplatky a úplatky. Případně jsou požadovány různé doklady a informace. Vše trvá tak dlouho, dokud je postižený ochotný platit.
V některých případech se stalo, že zločinci žádali oběť o návštěvu Nigérie nebo jiné země k dokončení transakce. Zde pak dojde k setkání falešnými nebo se zkorumpovanými úředníky. Postupně se začnou se objevovat další problémy a pro jejich vyřízení je potřeba uhradit další poplatky. Pokud se oběť snaží z obchodu vycouvat, bývá různě vydírána. V některých případech byla dokonce i zavražděna.
Na podvodné dopisy nedoporučuje reagovat, protože se tím potvrdí funkčnost adresy a na ni pak mohou být zasílány další podvodné nabídky, falešné loterie a podobně.
Rozhodně se vyvarujte zasílání různých soukromých údajů, čísla pasu nebo dokonce jeho fotokopií, protože i tyto údaje pak mohou být snadno zneužity k jiné trestné činnosti.
Buďte opatrní!
Internet je obrovským zdrojem svobodných informací, ale tato svoboda zároveň dává mnoha podvodným živlům velký prostor pro vyvíjení různých podvodných aktivit.
Internet je obrovským zdrojem svobodných informací, ale tato svoboda zároveň dává mnoha podvodným živlům velký prostor pro vyvíjení různých podvodných aktivit.
Adresa stránky: http://www.hoax.cz/scam419/head-office-equitable-pci-bank-twr/
Alternativní odkaz: http://www.hoax.cz/index.php?section=scam419&action=hoax_detail&id=443