Maïarský spam - Pomoc Peter Vargay
První výskyt: 04.2010
Text hoaxu
Èeská verze
Od: rùzný_ná
(Pùvodní anglické znìní je ní¾e.)
Pokud je nìkdo z Va¹ich pøátel nebo známých policistou, prokurátorem, soudcem, zamìstnancem nìkterého z ministerstev, politikem èi snad církevním èinitelem, za¹lete mu prosím tento mail. Bohu¾el jsem nebyl schopen najít konkrétní adresy. Chtìl bych po¾ádat vás pøíli¹ èíst tento text.
Pomozte mi, prosím. Nacházím se ve velmi svízelné situaci. Jsem matematik, vìdec, je¹tì pøed nìkolika lety jsem patøil k tìm zámo¾nìj¹ím. Po celé roky jsem pracoval na vývoji poèítaèových systémù pro ochranu institucí s klíèovým významem pro bezpeènost státu. Sám jsem 10 let pracoval na vývoji globální antivirové ochrany Nejvy¹¹ího soudu Maïarské republiky, ale moje ochranné systémy po nìkolik let chránily rovnì¾ ve¹keré celní úøady, chemické a farmaceutické továrny, obrovské ocelárny – jediné svého druhu v zemi, tiskárny, nemocnice i radnice. Mé programy zaji¹»ovaly antivirovou ochranu celkem 20 tisíc poèítaèù. Jak jsem uvedl, ¾il jsem v hojnosti a vlastnil jsem ètyøi byty.
Pøed pìti lety v¹ak byl v Kanadì proti mnì vynesen rozsudek, na jeho¾ základì jsem musel proplatit celkem 22 miliónù Kè, z toho 21 milionu Kè naprosto nezákonnì a bez jakéhokoli právního základu. V dùsledku toho jsem se stal takøka bezdomovcem. Kanada zastává stanovisko, ¾e jsem se bìhem soudního sporu dopustil chyby, jeliko¾ jsem nemohl pøedlo¾it jistý dokument, a podle jejich názoru takový èlovìk nemá právo ani na spravedlivé øízení, ani na odvolání, ani na zákonný rozsudek, a tudí¾ jsem se za trest nemohl øízení proti mé osobì zúèastnit, za trest nebylo provedeno dokazovací øízení (a to ani s druhou stranou) a za trest dosáhla odchylka od zákonné sazby 21 miliónù Kè. Za trest musím na do¾ivotí proplácet dùchod ve vý¹i 27 000 Kè mìsíènì zdravé pìtadvacetileté ¾enì, která ji¾ nikdy v ¾ivotì nemusí pracovat, tøeba¾e se jedná o osobu práceschopnou a nièím neposti¾enou. I to je v rámci trestu za mùj údajný prohøe¹ek. Nebýt tohoto trestu, zmínìná osoba by nebyla získala ani haléø dùchodu, nebo» na nìj ze zákona nemá nárok, já v¹ak, jak se zdá, nemám nárok na zákonný rozsudek. Dnes ji¾ mi nic nezùstalo, tøi rodinní pøíslu¹níci zemøeli, jeden onemocnìl rakovinou a pìt let jsem nevidìl ani své dìti, nebo» èástí trestu je i znemo¾nìní kontaktu s dìtmi. Byl proti mnì uplatnìn trest nezákonného rozsudku, nebo» jsem na po¾ádání kanadského soudu nebyl s to pøedlo¾il finanèní dokumenty jedné maïarské firmy. Celá rodina vìdce ¾ijícího v nejsilnìj¹í zemi svìta (EU) pøece nemù¾e zahynout jen proto, ¾e se jeden kanadský soudce pøepoèítá o 21 miliónù Kè, ¾e jeden kanadský soudce není ochoten vynést rozsudek v souladu se zákony.
Jména advokátù mé ¾eny v tomto sporu: Israel a Goldstein, jméno soudce: Waldman.
V Kanadì do¹lo i k pøípadu, ¾e kapitán zaoceánského plavidla v pøístavu neodevzdal jistý dokument, naèe¾ proti firmì bylo zahájeno øízení, za nepøedlo¾ení dokumentu v¹ak z nìj byla vylouèena a za trest byla celá loï konfiskována. Posádka plavidla se nedopustila pa¹eráctví ani jiného trestného èinu, Kanada v¹ak pøesto zastává názor, ¾e strany lze vylouèit z øízení, a za tìchto okolností mohou soudci vyná¹et rozsudky dle vlastní libosti. Jedna nákladní loï pro kus papíru. Somálské piráty jsou svatí poustevníci ve srovnání s Kanadou. Jedná se o efektivní zpùsob kráde¾e nákladních lodí, není to hloupý zpùsob somálských pirátù.
Kanada se v oblasti právnictví ubírá proti proudu. Vylouèení z øízení je praktikováno stále èastìji, rozsudky z valné èásti nejsou nále¾itì odùvodnìny, pravidelnì dochází k upu¹tìní od dokazovacího øízení, stejnì jako v mém pøípadì. Vládne tu neznalost a nedodr¾ování základních právních norem. Kdysi tam byla jurisdikce na pomìrnì vysoké úrovni. Proèetl jsem si nìkolik zákonù z 20. let 20. století a obeznámil jsem se rovnì¾ s nìkolika rozsudky vèetnì dokonalého zdùvodnìní; jednalo se o spisy jako v Evropì nebo v USA, dnes v¹ak to v¹echno upadlo v zapomnìní. Co se tam nyní dìje, nelze nazvat právním øádem.
Evropská Unie se dnes stala nejsilnìj¹ím státem svìta, federací s vlastním ministerským pøedsedou, s vlastním ministrem zahranièí i s vlastními ozbrojenými silami. Prakticky jsou to jakési Spojené státy evropské. Naléhavì Vám prosím, abyste nepøipustili, co Kanada zpùsobila mnì i pøípadným jiným vìdcùm. Proè by mìl nejsilnìj¹í stát zemìkoule pøipustit, aby Kanada neslýchanými justièními podvody o¾ebraèovala, pronásledovala a pøivádìla na pokraj nemajetnosti jeho nejnadanìj¹í vìdce a hnala do záhuby i jejich rodiny? Naléhavì Vás ¾ádám, aby to Kanadì nepro¹lo.
U Mezinárodního soudu v ®enevì jsem po¾ádal o zahájení øízení proti Kanadì, pøíslu¹né spisy pøikládám. Mezinárodní soud mé stí¾nosti nále¾itì nepøe¹etøil se zdùvodnìním, ¾e jsem v Kanadì proti rozsudku nepodal odvolání. Odvolat jsem se v¹ak samozøejmì nemohl, a to právì proto, ¾e jsem byl z jakékoli formy úèasti na sporu, a to i z odvolacího øízení, vylouèen. Pokusil jsem se Mezinárodnímu soudu objasnit, ¾e jakémukoli odvolání bylo zamezeno, av¹ak ani poté vìc nále¾itì nepøezkoumali a namítali, ¾e nebylo podáno odvolání. Pøitom bylo zamezení mo¾nosti odvolání vlastním pøedmìtem stí¾nosti. O tom, ¾e Mezinárodní soud si ostatnì mnohé skuteènosti uvedené v mých podáních chybnì vylo¾il, se mù¾ete pøesvìdèit v pøíloze. Jeden z argumentù, na nich¾ se koneèné rozhodnutí zakládá, zní, proè jsem se nepokusil o øízení o ústavní stí¾nosti, pøitom jsem v¹ak ji¾ v døívìj¹ím podání poukázal na skuteènost, ¾e kanadská ústava neposkytuje ochranu práv, které jsou pøedmìtem stí¾nosti. Jak se zdá, v mém podání nebyla vìnována pozornost pasá¾i, kde v nìkolika bodech podrobnì rozebírám, proè ústava neposkytuje ochranu tìchto práv. Mezinárodní soud toti¾ ve svém rozhodnutí necituje tu èást mého podání, kde je popíráno tvrzení odst. 4.4 tohoto rozhodnutí, a své koneèné rozhodnutí odùvodòuje vlastnì tímto odstavcem.
Prosím, abyste za¾alovali Kanadu v rámci mezistátního sporu. Jen na této platformì musí toti¾ Mezinárodní soud stí¾nost pøezkoumat a vynést nále¾itý rozsudek, k èemu¾ na základì mé stí¾nosti nemohlo dojít. Pokud dojde k mezistátnímu sporu, pak nemù¾e poslou¾it jako argument pro odmítnutí fakt, ¾e nebyly vyèerpány mo¾nosti odvolání. V mezistátním sporu není tato skuteènost smìrodatná. Prosím, abyste zahájili øízení proti Kanadì na základì Mezinárodní pakt o obèanských a politických právech (120/1976 Sb., èl. 41, odst. 1). V rámci mo¾nosti vyhlaste rovnì¾ na území Evropské Unie pátrání po soudci.
Já jsem v nouzi. Prosím po¹lete mi 250 Kè, nebo 2500 Kè, pokud je to mo¾né, nebo pokud je pøíli¹ mnoho, po¹lete mi 25 Kè, pokud se to dá udìlat pro mì.
Èíslo úètu:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
Jméno: Peter Vargay
adresa: Maïarsko, Debrecen, Hatvan U. 1. c.
Help me!
Please, if anyone of your friends or acquaintances works as a policeman or judge or prosecutor or lawyer or politician or works for any Ministry or any church, please forward this email to him/her. Unfortunately, I was not able to find their addresses.
Please, help me; I am in a very big trouble. I am a mathematician scientist; I was rich until a few years ago. I developed computer anti virus security systems for the most important for the most security protected government organizations and factories of my country, for many-many years. I developed the whole anti-virus security system for the Supreme Court of Hungary for 10 years, and the protection system developed by me protected all the customs office all over the country, chemical and pharmacy factories, the only and big steel factory, printing houses, hospitals, city halls, schools. All together more than 20 thousands computer were protected by my scientific programs. I was rich, I owned 4 apartments.
A Canadian court passed a 22 million Kè judgement against me five years ago, from which more than 21 million Kè is totally unlawful, without any legal ground. I became almost totally homeless from this judgement. The point of view of Canada is that I made a mistake during the proceeding when I was not able to obtain a document, and their position is that a person like this is not entitled to a fair trial, has no right to appeal, is not entitled to a judgement according to the law. So they disqualified us, they did not allow our party to participate in my own lawsuit, they did not conduct any evidence taking procedure, the judge departed from the law by more than 21 million Kè, all of these as a punishment. I have to pay monthly 27 000 Kè lifelong spousal support for a healthy 25 years old woman as a punishment, and she never has to work any more in her life, while she is totally able to work, she is not in need, all of these for my alleged mistake as a punishment. If there was no punishment, then she could not have had any spousal support, not even one cent, since she is not entitled to it according to the law, but I am not entitled to a judgement according to the law as a punishment. All my assets has gone by now, 3 of my family member died, 1 diagnosed with cancer, I have not seen my child in the past 6 years, since not allowing me to see my child is also part of the punishment. The unlawful judgement is my punishment, because I was not able to obtain the financial papers of a Hungarian company, which was demanded through me by the Canadian court. A whole family, a whole family of a scientist, a family of a scientist of the strongest country around the world (European Union) cannot die just because a Canadian judge miscalculate the judgement by 21 million Kè, just because a Canadian judge is not willing to pass a judgement according to the law.
The two lawyers of my wife were Ms. Israel and Mr. Goldstein; the judge was Ms. Waldman in this proceeding.
There was a Court case in Canada, in which the captain of a foreign freight ship did not file a document in the seaport after the arrival, they were suited for this, they were disqualified from the proceeding, and finally the whole ship was taken away. The ship did not smuggle anything, and no any other crime was committed, just Canada simply imagines, that one of the parties can be disqualified, and the judge can pass a judgement whatever he wants after only one party has remained in the proceeding. One freight ship for a piece of paper. The Somali pirates are holy hermits compared with Canada. This is the efficient way of stealing freight ships, not that stupid way of the Somali pirates.
Canada is developing backward in the law science. There are more and more disqualifications from proceedings and trials, very few percentages of the judgments have reasoning part, there is absolutely no public pronouncement of judgements all over the country, not even one. The judges pass judgments contradicted the law; they systematically do not conduct any kind of evidence taking procedure, like the judge did not conduct it in my case either. The judges do not know even the most fundamental principles, they do not understand them, and they do not observe them. There was a pretty good administration of justice in Canada long time ago, I have read laws and judgements with excellent reasoning part from the 1920’s, they were as good as the Europeans or USA ones, but they have forgotten everything for today. The thing there cannot be named as administration of justice.
The European Union became the strongest country of the world for today. This is a federation with own Prime Minister, own Minister of Foreign Affairs, and own army. Practically, we can say, this is the United States of Europe. I request you, I beg you, do not allow Canada to do this with me or with other scientists of the European Union. Why would we allow, why would the strongest country of the world allow for Canada to plunder the scientists of the strongest country of the world, to amuse itself with playing with these scientists, to rush the families of the scientists of the European Union to the death, to make the rich scientists of the European Union homeless with incredible judicial frauds? I ask, I beg, please do not allow Canada this.
I started an international court process against Canada in front of the Geneva International Court, the submissions can be found in the attachment of this email, joined into one document. The International Court did not examine the merit of the complaint, because I did not finish any appeal process against the judgement in front of a Canadian court. But I was not able to appeal exactly because I was disqualified from all the court processes in Canada, even from all the appeal processes. We explained to the international court that all the appeal was forbidden, and after it, they did not examine the merit of my complaint because I did not appeal. But this was exactly we complained about, that we were not allowed to appeal. We explained that we tried to launch the appeal but our documents were rejected by the court of second instance. The international court misunderstood lots of things from our submissions; you can check everything in the attachment. One of their arguments was that we did not exhaust the constitutional challenge while it was an effective and available remedy and they established the final conclusion on this argument. But we explained in one of our submissions that the Canadian Constitution does not protect the rights which we complained about so the constitutional challenge cannot be effective. It seems, they did not find the part of our submission, which proved in detail that the Constitution does not protect the complained rights. Since the international court did not quote our doubts for the para 4.4 of the Decision, and their final conclusion is reasoned by the para 4.4.
I would like to request you to sue Canada as one country sues another country. Since if a country sues Canada then the international court must examine the merit of the complaint and they must decide about the merit of the case, which they did not do for my complaint. If a country sues Canada then it cannot be a reason for the dismissal, that I exhausted all the remedies or not. During lawsuits between countries, it is not a standpoint. Please start a suit against Canada on the base of article 41 paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (120/1976 Sb., èl. 41, odst. 1) Please issue a warrant of arrest against the Canadian judge for the jurisdiction of the European Union.
I am in need. Please send me 250 Kè, or 2500 Kè, if you can, or if it is too much, please send me 25 Kè if you can do this for me.
Account number:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
name: Peter Vargay
address: Hungary, Debrecen, Hatvan u. 1. c.
Slovenská verze
(Pôvodné anglické znenie je ni¾¹ie.)
Ak je niekto z Va¹ich priateµov alebo známych policajtom, prokurátorom, sudcom, zamestnancom niektorého z ministerstiev, politikom èi snáï cirkevným èiniteµom, za¹lite mu prosím tento mail. Bohu¾iaµ som nebol schopný nájs» konkrétne adresy. Chcel by som po¾iada» vás príli¹ èíta» tento text.
Pomô¾te mi, prosím. Nachádzam sa vo veµmi »a¾kej situácii. Som matematik, vedec, e¹te pred niekoµkými rokmi som patril k tým zámo¾nìj¹ím. Po celé roky som pracoval na vývoji poèítaèových systémov pre ochranu in¹titúcií s kµúèovým významom pre bezpeènos» ¹tátu. Sám som 10 rokov pracoval na vývoji globálnej antivírusovej ochrany Najvy¹¹ieho súdu Maïarskej republiky, ale moje ochranné systémy po niekoµko rokov chránili tie¾ v¹etky colné úrady, chemické a farmaceutické továrne, obrovské oceliarne - jediné svojho druhu v krajine, tlaèiarne, nemocnice i radnice. Moje programy zabezpeèovali antivírusovú ochranu celkovo 20 tisíc poèítaèov. Ako som uviedol, ¾il som v hojnosti a vlastnil som ¹tyri byty.
Pred piatimi rokmi v¹ak bol v Kanade proti mne vynesený rozsudok, na základe ktorého som musel preplati» celkovo 850 000 €, z toho 800 000 € naprosto nezákonne a bez akéhokoµvek právneho základu. V dôsledku toho som sa stal takmer bezdomovcom. Kanada zastáva stanovisko, ¾e som sa poèas súdneho sporu dopustil chyby, preto¾e som nemohol predlo¾i» istý dokument, a podµa ich názoru takýto èlovek nemá právo ani na spravodlivé konanie, ani na odvolanie, ani na zákonný rozsudok, a preto som sa za trest nemohol zúèastni» pojednávania proti mojej osobe, za trest nebolo vykonané dôkazné konanie (a to ani s druhou stranou) a za trest dosiahla odchýlka od zákonnej sadzby 800 000 €. Za trest musím do¾ivotne plati» dôchodok vo vý¹ke 1 090 € mesaène pre zdravú dvadsa»pä»roènú ¾enu, ktorá u¾ nikdy v ¾ivote nemusí pracova», hoci sa jedná o osobu v produktívnom veku a nièím nepostihnutú. I to je v rámci trestu za môj údajný prehre¹ok. Neby» tohto trestu, spomínaná osoba by nebola získala ani halier dôchodku, preto¾e na neho zo zákona nemá nárok, ja v¹ak, ako sa zdá, nemám nárok na zákonný rozsudok. Dnes u¾ mi niè nezostalo, traja rodinní príslu¹níci zomreli, jeden ochorel na rakovinou a pä» rokov som nevidel ani svoje deti, preto¾e èas»ou trestu je aj znemo¾nenie kontaktu s de»mi. Bol proti mne uplatnený trest nezákonného rozsudku, lebo na po¾iadanie kanadského súdu som nebol schopný predlo¾i» finanèné dokumenty jednej maïarskej firmy. Celá rodina vedca ¾ijúceho v najsilnej¹ej krajine sveta (EÚ) predsa nemô¾e zahynú» len preto, ¾e sa jeden kanadský sudca prepoèítal o 800 000 €, ¾e jeden kanadský sudca nie je ochotný vynies» rozsudok v súlade so zákonmi.
Mená právnikov mojej ¾eny v tomto spore: Israel a Goldstein, meno sudcu: Waldman.
V Kanade do¹lo i k prípadu, ¾e kapitán zaoceánskeho plavidla v prístave neodovzdal istý dokument. Proti firme sa zaèalo konanie za nepredlo¾enie dokumentu, av¹ak firma z neho bola vylúèená a za trest bola celá loï zhabaná. Posádka plavidla sa nedopustila pa¹ovania ani iného trestného èinu, Kanada v¹ak napriek tomu zastáva názor, ¾e strany mô¾u vylúèi» z konania, a za týchto okolností mô¾u sudcovia vyná¹a» rozsudky podµa vlastnej vôle. Jedna nákladná loï pre kus papiera. Somálski piráti sú svätí pustovníci v porovnaní s Kanadou. Jedná sa o efektívny spôsob kráde¾e nákladných lodí, nie je to hlúpy spôsob somálskych pirátov.
Kanada sa v oblasti právneho systému uberá proti prúdu. Je èoraz viac vylúèení, k nepatrnej èasti rozsudkov vyhotovujú odôvodnenia, neexistuje oficiálne vynesenie rozsudku. Sudcovia prijímajú nezákonné rozsudky, pravidelne nevykonávajú ¾iadne dokazovacie konanie, rovnako ako v mojom prípade. Vládne tu neznalos» a nedodr¾iavanie základných právnych noriem. Kedysi tam bola jurisdikcia na pomerne vysokej úrovni. Èítal som niekoµko zákonov z 20. rokov 20. storoèia a oboznámil som sa tie¾ s niekoµkými rozsudkami vrátane dokonalého zdôvodnenia; jednalo sa o spisy ako v Európe alebo v USA, dnes v¹ak to v¹etko upadlo do zabudnutia. Èo sa tam teraz deje, nemo¾no nazva» právnym poriadkom.
Európska Únia sa dnes stala najsilnej¹ím ¹tátom sveta, federáciou s vlastným ministerským predsedom, s vlastným ministrom zahranièia a s vlastnými ozbrojenými silami. Prakticky sú to akési Spojené ¹táty európske. Naliehavo Vám prosím, aby ste nepripustili, ¾e by Kanada toto robila so mnou, prípadne s iným vedcom. Preèo by mal najsilnej¹í ¹tát zemegule pripusti», aby Kanada neslýchanými justiènými podvodmi o¾obraèovala, prenasledovala a privádzala na pokraj nemajetnosti jeho najnadanej¹ích vedcov a hnala do záhuby aj ich rodiny? Naliehavo Vás ¾iadam, aby to Kanade nepre¹lo.
U Medzinárodného súdu v ®eneve som po¾iadal o zaèatí konania proti Kanade, príslu¹né spisy prikladám. Medzinárodný súd moje s»a¾nosti nále¾ite nepre¹etrovala s odôvodnením, ¾e som v Kanade proti rozsudku nepodal odvolanie. Odvola» som sa v¹ak samozrejme nemohol, a to práve preto, ¾e som bol z akejkoµvek formy úèasti na sporu, a to aj z odvolacieho konania vylúèený. Pokúsil som sa Medzinárodnému súdu objasni», ¾e akémukoµvek odvolaniu bolo zamedzené, ale ani potom vec nále¾ite nepreskúmala a tvrdil, ¾e nebolo podané odvolanie. Pritom bolo zamedzenie mo¾nosti odvolania vlastným predmetom s»a¾nosti. O tom, ¾e Medzinárodný súd si napokon mnohé skutoènosti uvedené v mojich podaniach chybne vylo¾il, sa mô¾ete presvedèi» v prílohe. Jeden z argumentov, na ktorých sa koneèné rozhodnutie zakladá, znie, preèo som sa nepokúsil o konania o ústavnej s»a¾nosti, pritom som v¹ak u¾ v skor¹om podaní poukázal na skutoènos», ¾e kanadská ústava neposkytuje ochranu práv, ktoré sú predmetom s»a¾nosti. Ako sa zdá, v mojom podaní nebola venovaná pozornos» pasá¾i, kde v niekoµkých bodoch podrobne rozoberám, preèo ústava neposkytuje ochranu týchto práv. Medzinárodný súd toti¾ vo svojom rozhodnutí necituje tú èas» môjho podania, kde je popierané tvrdenie ods 4.4 tohto rozhodnutia, a svoje koneèné rozhodnutie odôvodòuje vlastne týmto odsekom.
Prosím, aby ste za¾alovali Kanadu v rámci medzi¹tátneho sporu. Len na tejto platforme musí toti¾ Medzinárodný súd s»a¾nos» preskúma» a vynies» nále¾itý rozsudok, k èomu na základe mojej s»a¾nosti nemohlo dôjs». Ak dôjde k cezhraniènému sporu, potom nemô¾e poslú¾i» ako argument pre odmietnutie fakt, ¾e neboli vyèerpané mo¾nosti odvolania. V medzi¹tátnom spore nie je táto skutoènos» smerodajná. Prosím, aby ste zaèali konanie proti Kanade na základe èlánku 41 odsek 1 Medzinárodného paktu o obèianskych a politických právach. (Uverejnené v Zbierke zákonov è. 23/1976 strana 570.) V rámci mo¾nosti vyhláste aj na území Európskej Únie pátranie po sudcovi.
Ja som v núdzi. Prosím po¹lite mi 10 €, alebo 100 €, ak je to mo¾né, alebo ak je príli¹ veµa, po¹lite mi 1 €, ak sa to dá urobi» pre mòa.
Èíslo úètu:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
Meno: Peter Vargay
adresa: Maïarsko, Debrecen, Hatvan U. 1. c.
Help me!
Please, if anyone of your friends or acquaintances works as a policeman or judge or prosecutor or lawyer or politician or works for any Ministry or any church, please forward this email to him/her. Unfortunately, I was not able to find their addresses.
Please, help me; I am in a very big trouble. I am a mathematician scientist; I was rich until a few years ago. I developed computer anti virus security systems for the most important for the most security protected government organizations and factories of my country, for many-many years. I developed the whole anti-virus security system for the Supreme Court of Hungary for 10 years, and the protection system developed by me protected all the customs office all over the country, chemical and pharmacy factories, the only and big steel factory, printing houses, hospitals, city halls, schools. All together more than 20 thousands computer were protected by my scientific programs. I was rich, I owned 4 apartments.
A Canadian court passed a 850 000 € judgement against me five years ago, from which more than 800 000 € is totally unlawful, without any legal ground. I became almost totally homeless from this judgement. The point of view of Canada is that I made a mistake during the proceeding when I was not able to obtain a document, and their position is that a person like this is not entitled to a fair trial, has no right to appeal, is not entitled to a judgement according to the law. So they disqualified us, they did not allow our party to participate in my own lawsuit, they did not conduct any evidence taking procedure, the judge departed from the law by more than 800 000 €, all of these as a punishment. I have to pay monthly 1 090 € lifelong spousal support for a healthy 25 years old woman as a punishment, and she never has to work any more in her life, while she is totally able to work, she is not in need, all of these for my alleged mistake as a punishment. If there was no punishment, then she could not have had any spousal support, not even one cent, since she is not entitled to it according to the law, but I am not entitled to a judgement according to the law as a punishment. All my assets has gone by now, 3 of my family member died, 1 diagnosed with cancer, I have not seen my child in the past 6 years, since not allowing me to see my child is also part of the punishment. The unlawful judgement is my punishment, because I was not able to obtain the financial papers of a Hungarian company, which was demanded through me by the Canadian court. A whole family, a whole family of a scientist, a family of a scientist of the strongest country around the world (European Union) cannot die just because a Canadian judge miscalculate the judgement by 800 000 €, just because a Canadian judge is not willing to pass a judgement according to the law.
The two lawyers of my wife were Ms. Israel and Mr. Goldstein; the judge was Ms. Waldman in this proceeding.
There was a Court case in Canada, in which the captain of a foreign freight ship did not file a document in the seaport after the arrival, they were suited for this, they were disqualified from the proceeding, and finally the whole ship was taken away. The ship did not smuggle anything, and no any other crime was committed, just Canada simply imagines, that one of the parties can be disqualified, and the judge can pass a judgement whatever he wants after only one party has remained in the proceeding. One freight ship for a piece of paper. The Somali pirates are holy hermits compared with Canada. This is the efficient way of stealing freight ships, not that stupid way of the Somali pirates.
Canada is developing backward in the law science. There are more and more disqualifications from proceedings and trials, very few percentages of the judgments have reasoning part, there is absolutely no public pronouncement of judgements all over the country, not even one. The judges pass judgments contradicted the law; they systematically do not conduct any kind of evidence taking procedure, like the judge did not conduct it in my case either. The judges do not know even the most fundamental principles, they do not understand them, and they do not observe them. There was a pretty good administration of justice in Canada long time ago, I have read laws and judgements with excellent reasoning part from the 1920’s, they were as good as the Europeans or USA ones, but they have forgotten everything for today. The thing there cannot be named as administration of justice.
The European Union became the strongest country of the world for today. This is a federation with own Prime Minister, own Minister of Foreign Affairs, and own army. Practically, we can say, this is the United States of Europe. I request you, I beg you, do not allow Canada to do this with me or with other scientists of the European Union. Why would we allow, why would the strongest country of the world allow for Canada to plunder the scientists of the strongest country of the world, to amuse itself with playing with these scientists, to rush the families of the scientists of the European Union to the death, to make the rich scientists of the European Union homeless with incredible judicial frauds? I ask, I beg, please do not allow Canada this.
I started an international court process against Canada in front of the Geneva International Court, the submissions can be found in the attachment of this email, joined into one document. The International Court did not examine the merit of the complaint, because I did not finish any appeal process against the judgement in front of a Canadian court. But I was not able to appeal exactly because I was disqualified from all the court processes in Canada, even from all the appeal processes. We explained to the international court that all the appeal was forbidden, and after it, they did not examine the merit of my complaint because I did not appeal. But this was exactly we complained about, that we were not allowed to appeal. We explained that we tried to launch the appeal but our documents were rejected by the court of second instance. The international court misunderstood lots of things from our submissions; you can check everything in the attachment. One of their arguments was that we did not exhaust the constitutional challenge while it was an effective and available remedy and they established the final conclusion on this argument. But we explained in one of our submissions that the Canadian Constitution does not protect the rights which we complained about so the constitutional challenge cannot be effective. It seems, they did not find the part of our submission, which proved in detail that the Constitution does not protect the complained rights. Since the international court did not quote our doubts for the para 4.4 of the Decision, and their final conclusion is reasoned by the para 4.4.
I would like to request you to sue Canada as one country sues another country. Since if a country sues Canada then the international court must examine the merit of the complaint and they must decide about the merit of the case, which they did not do for my complaint. If a country sues Canada then it cannot be a reason for the dismissal, that I exhausted all the remedies or not. During lawsuits between countries, it is not a standpoint. Please start a suit against Canada on the base of article 41 paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (Uverejnené v Zbierke zákonov è. 23/1976 strana 570.) Please issue a warrant of arrest against the Canadian judge for the jurisdiction of the European Union.
I am in need. Please send me 10 €, or 100 €, if you can, or if it is too much, please send me 1 € if you can do this for me.
Account number:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
name: Peter Vargay
address: Hungary, Debrecen, Hatvan u. 1. c.
Od: rùzný_ná
(Pùvodní anglické znìní je ní¾e.)
Pokud je nìkdo z Va¹ich pøátel nebo známých policistou, prokurátorem, soudcem, zamìstnancem nìkterého z ministerstev, politikem èi snad církevním èinitelem, za¹lete mu prosím tento mail. Bohu¾el jsem nebyl schopen najít konkrétní adresy. Chtìl bych po¾ádat vás pøíli¹ èíst tento text.
Pomozte mi, prosím. Nacházím se ve velmi svízelné situaci. Jsem matematik, vìdec, je¹tì pøed nìkolika lety jsem patøil k tìm zámo¾nìj¹ím. Po celé roky jsem pracoval na vývoji poèítaèových systémù pro ochranu institucí s klíèovým významem pro bezpeènost státu. Sám jsem 10 let pracoval na vývoji globální antivirové ochrany Nejvy¹¹ího soudu Maïarské republiky, ale moje ochranné systémy po nìkolik let chránily rovnì¾ ve¹keré celní úøady, chemické a farmaceutické továrny, obrovské ocelárny – jediné svého druhu v zemi, tiskárny, nemocnice i radnice. Mé programy zaji¹»ovaly antivirovou ochranu celkem 20 tisíc poèítaèù. Jak jsem uvedl, ¾il jsem v hojnosti a vlastnil jsem ètyøi byty.
Pøed pìti lety v¹ak byl v Kanadì proti mnì vynesen rozsudek, na jeho¾ základì jsem musel proplatit celkem 22 miliónù Kè, z toho 21 milionu Kè naprosto nezákonnì a bez jakéhokoli právního základu. V dùsledku toho jsem se stal takøka bezdomovcem. Kanada zastává stanovisko, ¾e jsem se bìhem soudního sporu dopustil chyby, jeliko¾ jsem nemohl pøedlo¾it jistý dokument, a podle jejich názoru takový èlovìk nemá právo ani na spravedlivé øízení, ani na odvolání, ani na zákonný rozsudek, a tudí¾ jsem se za trest nemohl øízení proti mé osobì zúèastnit, za trest nebylo provedeno dokazovací øízení (a to ani s druhou stranou) a za trest dosáhla odchylka od zákonné sazby 21 miliónù Kè. Za trest musím na do¾ivotí proplácet dùchod ve vý¹i 27 000 Kè mìsíènì zdravé pìtadvacetileté ¾enì, která ji¾ nikdy v ¾ivotì nemusí pracovat, tøeba¾e se jedná o osobu práceschopnou a nièím neposti¾enou. I to je v rámci trestu za mùj údajný prohøe¹ek. Nebýt tohoto trestu, zmínìná osoba by nebyla získala ani haléø dùchodu, nebo» na nìj ze zákona nemá nárok, já v¹ak, jak se zdá, nemám nárok na zákonný rozsudek. Dnes ji¾ mi nic nezùstalo, tøi rodinní pøíslu¹níci zemøeli, jeden onemocnìl rakovinou a pìt let jsem nevidìl ani své dìti, nebo» èástí trestu je i znemo¾nìní kontaktu s dìtmi. Byl proti mnì uplatnìn trest nezákonného rozsudku, nebo» jsem na po¾ádání kanadského soudu nebyl s to pøedlo¾il finanèní dokumenty jedné maïarské firmy. Celá rodina vìdce ¾ijícího v nejsilnìj¹í zemi svìta (EU) pøece nemù¾e zahynout jen proto, ¾e se jeden kanadský soudce pøepoèítá o 21 miliónù Kè, ¾e jeden kanadský soudce není ochoten vynést rozsudek v souladu se zákony.
Jména advokátù mé ¾eny v tomto sporu: Israel a Goldstein, jméno soudce: Waldman.
V Kanadì do¹lo i k pøípadu, ¾e kapitán zaoceánského plavidla v pøístavu neodevzdal jistý dokument, naèe¾ proti firmì bylo zahájeno øízení, za nepøedlo¾ení dokumentu v¹ak z nìj byla vylouèena a za trest byla celá loï konfiskována. Posádka plavidla se nedopustila pa¹eráctví ani jiného trestného èinu, Kanada v¹ak pøesto zastává názor, ¾e strany lze vylouèit z øízení, a za tìchto okolností mohou soudci vyná¹et rozsudky dle vlastní libosti. Jedna nákladní loï pro kus papíru. Somálské piráty jsou svatí poustevníci ve srovnání s Kanadou. Jedná se o efektivní zpùsob kráde¾e nákladních lodí, není to hloupý zpùsob somálských pirátù.
Kanada se v oblasti právnictví ubírá proti proudu. Vylouèení z øízení je praktikováno stále èastìji, rozsudky z valné èásti nejsou nále¾itì odùvodnìny, pravidelnì dochází k upu¹tìní od dokazovacího øízení, stejnì jako v mém pøípadì. Vládne tu neznalost a nedodr¾ování základních právních norem. Kdysi tam byla jurisdikce na pomìrnì vysoké úrovni. Proèetl jsem si nìkolik zákonù z 20. let 20. století a obeznámil jsem se rovnì¾ s nìkolika rozsudky vèetnì dokonalého zdùvodnìní; jednalo se o spisy jako v Evropì nebo v USA, dnes v¹ak to v¹echno upadlo v zapomnìní. Co se tam nyní dìje, nelze nazvat právním øádem.
Evropská Unie se dnes stala nejsilnìj¹ím státem svìta, federací s vlastním ministerským pøedsedou, s vlastním ministrem zahranièí i s vlastními ozbrojenými silami. Prakticky jsou to jakési Spojené státy evropské. Naléhavì Vám prosím, abyste nepøipustili, co Kanada zpùsobila mnì i pøípadným jiným vìdcùm. Proè by mìl nejsilnìj¹í stát zemìkoule pøipustit, aby Kanada neslýchanými justièními podvody o¾ebraèovala, pronásledovala a pøivádìla na pokraj nemajetnosti jeho nejnadanìj¹í vìdce a hnala do záhuby i jejich rodiny? Naléhavì Vás ¾ádám, aby to Kanadì nepro¹lo.
U Mezinárodního soudu v ®enevì jsem po¾ádal o zahájení øízení proti Kanadì, pøíslu¹né spisy pøikládám. Mezinárodní soud mé stí¾nosti nále¾itì nepøe¹etøil se zdùvodnìním, ¾e jsem v Kanadì proti rozsudku nepodal odvolání. Odvolat jsem se v¹ak samozøejmì nemohl, a to právì proto, ¾e jsem byl z jakékoli formy úèasti na sporu, a to i z odvolacího øízení, vylouèen. Pokusil jsem se Mezinárodnímu soudu objasnit, ¾e jakémukoli odvolání bylo zamezeno, av¹ak ani poté vìc nále¾itì nepøezkoumali a namítali, ¾e nebylo podáno odvolání. Pøitom bylo zamezení mo¾nosti odvolání vlastním pøedmìtem stí¾nosti. O tom, ¾e Mezinárodní soud si ostatnì mnohé skuteènosti uvedené v mých podáních chybnì vylo¾il, se mù¾ete pøesvìdèit v pøíloze. Jeden z argumentù, na nich¾ se koneèné rozhodnutí zakládá, zní, proè jsem se nepokusil o øízení o ústavní stí¾nosti, pøitom jsem v¹ak ji¾ v døívìj¹ím podání poukázal na skuteènost, ¾e kanadská ústava neposkytuje ochranu práv, které jsou pøedmìtem stí¾nosti. Jak se zdá, v mém podání nebyla vìnována pozornost pasá¾i, kde v nìkolika bodech podrobnì rozebírám, proè ústava neposkytuje ochranu tìchto práv. Mezinárodní soud toti¾ ve svém rozhodnutí necituje tu èást mého podání, kde je popíráno tvrzení odst. 4.4 tohoto rozhodnutí, a své koneèné rozhodnutí odùvodòuje vlastnì tímto odstavcem.
Prosím, abyste za¾alovali Kanadu v rámci mezistátního sporu. Jen na této platformì musí toti¾ Mezinárodní soud stí¾nost pøezkoumat a vynést nále¾itý rozsudek, k èemu¾ na základì mé stí¾nosti nemohlo dojít. Pokud dojde k mezistátnímu sporu, pak nemù¾e poslou¾it jako argument pro odmítnutí fakt, ¾e nebyly vyèerpány mo¾nosti odvolání. V mezistátním sporu není tato skuteènost smìrodatná. Prosím, abyste zahájili øízení proti Kanadì na základì Mezinárodní pakt o obèanských a politických právech (120/1976 Sb., èl. 41, odst. 1). V rámci mo¾nosti vyhlaste rovnì¾ na území Evropské Unie pátrání po soudci.
Já jsem v nouzi. Prosím po¹lete mi 250 Kè, nebo 2500 Kè, pokud je to mo¾né, nebo pokud je pøíli¹ mnoho, po¹lete mi 25 Kè, pokud se to dá udìlat pro mì.
Èíslo úètu:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
Jméno: Peter Vargay
adresa: Maïarsko, Debrecen, Hatvan U. 1. c.
Help me!
Please, if anyone of your friends or acquaintances works as a policeman or judge or prosecutor or lawyer or politician or works for any Ministry or any church, please forward this email to him/her. Unfortunately, I was not able to find their addresses.
Please, help me; I am in a very big trouble. I am a mathematician scientist; I was rich until a few years ago. I developed computer anti virus security systems for the most important for the most security protected government organizations and factories of my country, for many-many years. I developed the whole anti-virus security system for the Supreme Court of Hungary for 10 years, and the protection system developed by me protected all the customs office all over the country, chemical and pharmacy factories, the only and big steel factory, printing houses, hospitals, city halls, schools. All together more than 20 thousands computer were protected by my scientific programs. I was rich, I owned 4 apartments.
A Canadian court passed a 22 million Kè judgement against me five years ago, from which more than 21 million Kè is totally unlawful, without any legal ground. I became almost totally homeless from this judgement. The point of view of Canada is that I made a mistake during the proceeding when I was not able to obtain a document, and their position is that a person like this is not entitled to a fair trial, has no right to appeal, is not entitled to a judgement according to the law. So they disqualified us, they did not allow our party to participate in my own lawsuit, they did not conduct any evidence taking procedure, the judge departed from the law by more than 21 million Kè, all of these as a punishment. I have to pay monthly 27 000 Kè lifelong spousal support for a healthy 25 years old woman as a punishment, and she never has to work any more in her life, while she is totally able to work, she is not in need, all of these for my alleged mistake as a punishment. If there was no punishment, then she could not have had any spousal support, not even one cent, since she is not entitled to it according to the law, but I am not entitled to a judgement according to the law as a punishment. All my assets has gone by now, 3 of my family member died, 1 diagnosed with cancer, I have not seen my child in the past 6 years, since not allowing me to see my child is also part of the punishment. The unlawful judgement is my punishment, because I was not able to obtain the financial papers of a Hungarian company, which was demanded through me by the Canadian court. A whole family, a whole family of a scientist, a family of a scientist of the strongest country around the world (European Union) cannot die just because a Canadian judge miscalculate the judgement by 21 million Kè, just because a Canadian judge is not willing to pass a judgement according to the law.
The two lawyers of my wife were Ms. Israel and Mr. Goldstein; the judge was Ms. Waldman in this proceeding.
There was a Court case in Canada, in which the captain of a foreign freight ship did not file a document in the seaport after the arrival, they were suited for this, they were disqualified from the proceeding, and finally the whole ship was taken away. The ship did not smuggle anything, and no any other crime was committed, just Canada simply imagines, that one of the parties can be disqualified, and the judge can pass a judgement whatever he wants after only one party has remained in the proceeding. One freight ship for a piece of paper. The Somali pirates are holy hermits compared with Canada. This is the efficient way of stealing freight ships, not that stupid way of the Somali pirates.
Canada is developing backward in the law science. There are more and more disqualifications from proceedings and trials, very few percentages of the judgments have reasoning part, there is absolutely no public pronouncement of judgements all over the country, not even one. The judges pass judgments contradicted the law; they systematically do not conduct any kind of evidence taking procedure, like the judge did not conduct it in my case either. The judges do not know even the most fundamental principles, they do not understand them, and they do not observe them. There was a pretty good administration of justice in Canada long time ago, I have read laws and judgements with excellent reasoning part from the 1920’s, they were as good as the Europeans or USA ones, but they have forgotten everything for today. The thing there cannot be named as administration of justice.
The European Union became the strongest country of the world for today. This is a federation with own Prime Minister, own Minister of Foreign Affairs, and own army. Practically, we can say, this is the United States of Europe. I request you, I beg you, do not allow Canada to do this with me or with other scientists of the European Union. Why would we allow, why would the strongest country of the world allow for Canada to plunder the scientists of the strongest country of the world, to amuse itself with playing with these scientists, to rush the families of the scientists of the European Union to the death, to make the rich scientists of the European Union homeless with incredible judicial frauds? I ask, I beg, please do not allow Canada this.
I started an international court process against Canada in front of the Geneva International Court, the submissions can be found in the attachment of this email, joined into one document. The International Court did not examine the merit of the complaint, because I did not finish any appeal process against the judgement in front of a Canadian court. But I was not able to appeal exactly because I was disqualified from all the court processes in Canada, even from all the appeal processes. We explained to the international court that all the appeal was forbidden, and after it, they did not examine the merit of my complaint because I did not appeal. But this was exactly we complained about, that we were not allowed to appeal. We explained that we tried to launch the appeal but our documents were rejected by the court of second instance. The international court misunderstood lots of things from our submissions; you can check everything in the attachment. One of their arguments was that we did not exhaust the constitutional challenge while it was an effective and available remedy and they established the final conclusion on this argument. But we explained in one of our submissions that the Canadian Constitution does not protect the rights which we complained about so the constitutional challenge cannot be effective. It seems, they did not find the part of our submission, which proved in detail that the Constitution does not protect the complained rights. Since the international court did not quote our doubts for the para 4.4 of the Decision, and their final conclusion is reasoned by the para 4.4.
I would like to request you to sue Canada as one country sues another country. Since if a country sues Canada then the international court must examine the merit of the complaint and they must decide about the merit of the case, which they did not do for my complaint. If a country sues Canada then it cannot be a reason for the dismissal, that I exhausted all the remedies or not. During lawsuits between countries, it is not a standpoint. Please start a suit against Canada on the base of article 41 paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (120/1976 Sb., èl. 41, odst. 1) Please issue a warrant of arrest against the Canadian judge for the jurisdiction of the European Union.
I am in need. Please send me 250 Kè, or 2500 Kè, if you can, or if it is too much, please send me 25 Kè if you can do this for me.
Account number:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
name: Peter Vargay
address: Hungary, Debrecen, Hatvan u. 1. c.
Slovenská verze
(Pôvodné anglické znenie je ni¾¹ie.)
Ak je niekto z Va¹ich priateµov alebo známych policajtom, prokurátorom, sudcom, zamestnancom niektorého z ministerstiev, politikom èi snáï cirkevným èiniteµom, za¹lite mu prosím tento mail. Bohu¾iaµ som nebol schopný nájs» konkrétne adresy. Chcel by som po¾iada» vás príli¹ èíta» tento text.
Pomô¾te mi, prosím. Nachádzam sa vo veµmi »a¾kej situácii. Som matematik, vedec, e¹te pred niekoµkými rokmi som patril k tým zámo¾nìj¹ím. Po celé roky som pracoval na vývoji poèítaèových systémov pre ochranu in¹titúcií s kµúèovým významom pre bezpeènos» ¹tátu. Sám som 10 rokov pracoval na vývoji globálnej antivírusovej ochrany Najvy¹¹ieho súdu Maïarskej republiky, ale moje ochranné systémy po niekoµko rokov chránili tie¾ v¹etky colné úrady, chemické a farmaceutické továrne, obrovské oceliarne - jediné svojho druhu v krajine, tlaèiarne, nemocnice i radnice. Moje programy zabezpeèovali antivírusovú ochranu celkovo 20 tisíc poèítaèov. Ako som uviedol, ¾il som v hojnosti a vlastnil som ¹tyri byty.
Pred piatimi rokmi v¹ak bol v Kanade proti mne vynesený rozsudok, na základe ktorého som musel preplati» celkovo 850 000 €, z toho 800 000 € naprosto nezákonne a bez akéhokoµvek právneho základu. V dôsledku toho som sa stal takmer bezdomovcom. Kanada zastáva stanovisko, ¾e som sa poèas súdneho sporu dopustil chyby, preto¾e som nemohol predlo¾i» istý dokument, a podµa ich názoru takýto èlovek nemá právo ani na spravodlivé konanie, ani na odvolanie, ani na zákonný rozsudok, a preto som sa za trest nemohol zúèastni» pojednávania proti mojej osobe, za trest nebolo vykonané dôkazné konanie (a to ani s druhou stranou) a za trest dosiahla odchýlka od zákonnej sadzby 800 000 €. Za trest musím do¾ivotne plati» dôchodok vo vý¹ke 1 090 € mesaène pre zdravú dvadsa»pä»roènú ¾enu, ktorá u¾ nikdy v ¾ivote nemusí pracova», hoci sa jedná o osobu v produktívnom veku a nièím nepostihnutú. I to je v rámci trestu za môj údajný prehre¹ok. Neby» tohto trestu, spomínaná osoba by nebola získala ani halier dôchodku, preto¾e na neho zo zákona nemá nárok, ja v¹ak, ako sa zdá, nemám nárok na zákonný rozsudok. Dnes u¾ mi niè nezostalo, traja rodinní príslu¹níci zomreli, jeden ochorel na rakovinou a pä» rokov som nevidel ani svoje deti, preto¾e èas»ou trestu je aj znemo¾nenie kontaktu s de»mi. Bol proti mne uplatnený trest nezákonného rozsudku, lebo na po¾iadanie kanadského súdu som nebol schopný predlo¾i» finanèné dokumenty jednej maïarskej firmy. Celá rodina vedca ¾ijúceho v najsilnej¹ej krajine sveta (EÚ) predsa nemô¾e zahynú» len preto, ¾e sa jeden kanadský sudca prepoèítal o 800 000 €, ¾e jeden kanadský sudca nie je ochotný vynies» rozsudok v súlade so zákonmi.
Mená právnikov mojej ¾eny v tomto spore: Israel a Goldstein, meno sudcu: Waldman.
V Kanade do¹lo i k prípadu, ¾e kapitán zaoceánskeho plavidla v prístave neodovzdal istý dokument. Proti firme sa zaèalo konanie za nepredlo¾enie dokumentu, av¹ak firma z neho bola vylúèená a za trest bola celá loï zhabaná. Posádka plavidla sa nedopustila pa¹ovania ani iného trestného èinu, Kanada v¹ak napriek tomu zastáva názor, ¾e strany mô¾u vylúèi» z konania, a za týchto okolností mô¾u sudcovia vyná¹a» rozsudky podµa vlastnej vôle. Jedna nákladná loï pre kus papiera. Somálski piráti sú svätí pustovníci v porovnaní s Kanadou. Jedná sa o efektívny spôsob kráde¾e nákladných lodí, nie je to hlúpy spôsob somálskych pirátov.
Kanada sa v oblasti právneho systému uberá proti prúdu. Je èoraz viac vylúèení, k nepatrnej èasti rozsudkov vyhotovujú odôvodnenia, neexistuje oficiálne vynesenie rozsudku. Sudcovia prijímajú nezákonné rozsudky, pravidelne nevykonávajú ¾iadne dokazovacie konanie, rovnako ako v mojom prípade. Vládne tu neznalos» a nedodr¾iavanie základných právnych noriem. Kedysi tam bola jurisdikcia na pomerne vysokej úrovni. Èítal som niekoµko zákonov z 20. rokov 20. storoèia a oboznámil som sa tie¾ s niekoµkými rozsudkami vrátane dokonalého zdôvodnenia; jednalo sa o spisy ako v Európe alebo v USA, dnes v¹ak to v¹etko upadlo do zabudnutia. Èo sa tam teraz deje, nemo¾no nazva» právnym poriadkom.
Európska Únia sa dnes stala najsilnej¹ím ¹tátom sveta, federáciou s vlastným ministerským predsedom, s vlastným ministrom zahranièia a s vlastnými ozbrojenými silami. Prakticky sú to akési Spojené ¹táty európske. Naliehavo Vám prosím, aby ste nepripustili, ¾e by Kanada toto robila so mnou, prípadne s iným vedcom. Preèo by mal najsilnej¹í ¹tát zemegule pripusti», aby Kanada neslýchanými justiènými podvodmi o¾obraèovala, prenasledovala a privádzala na pokraj nemajetnosti jeho najnadanej¹ích vedcov a hnala do záhuby aj ich rodiny? Naliehavo Vás ¾iadam, aby to Kanade nepre¹lo.
U Medzinárodného súdu v ®eneve som po¾iadal o zaèatí konania proti Kanade, príslu¹né spisy prikladám. Medzinárodný súd moje s»a¾nosti nále¾ite nepre¹etrovala s odôvodnením, ¾e som v Kanade proti rozsudku nepodal odvolanie. Odvola» som sa v¹ak samozrejme nemohol, a to práve preto, ¾e som bol z akejkoµvek formy úèasti na sporu, a to aj z odvolacieho konania vylúèený. Pokúsil som sa Medzinárodnému súdu objasni», ¾e akémukoµvek odvolaniu bolo zamedzené, ale ani potom vec nále¾ite nepreskúmala a tvrdil, ¾e nebolo podané odvolanie. Pritom bolo zamedzenie mo¾nosti odvolania vlastným predmetom s»a¾nosti. O tom, ¾e Medzinárodný súd si napokon mnohé skutoènosti uvedené v mojich podaniach chybne vylo¾il, sa mô¾ete presvedèi» v prílohe. Jeden z argumentov, na ktorých sa koneèné rozhodnutie zakladá, znie, preèo som sa nepokúsil o konania o ústavnej s»a¾nosti, pritom som v¹ak u¾ v skor¹om podaní poukázal na skutoènos», ¾e kanadská ústava neposkytuje ochranu práv, ktoré sú predmetom s»a¾nosti. Ako sa zdá, v mojom podaní nebola venovaná pozornos» pasá¾i, kde v niekoµkých bodoch podrobne rozoberám, preèo ústava neposkytuje ochranu týchto práv. Medzinárodný súd toti¾ vo svojom rozhodnutí necituje tú èas» môjho podania, kde je popierané tvrdenie ods 4.4 tohto rozhodnutia, a svoje koneèné rozhodnutie odôvodòuje vlastne týmto odsekom.
Prosím, aby ste za¾alovali Kanadu v rámci medzi¹tátneho sporu. Len na tejto platforme musí toti¾ Medzinárodný súd s»a¾nos» preskúma» a vynies» nále¾itý rozsudok, k èomu na základe mojej s»a¾nosti nemohlo dôjs». Ak dôjde k cezhraniènému sporu, potom nemô¾e poslú¾i» ako argument pre odmietnutie fakt, ¾e neboli vyèerpané mo¾nosti odvolania. V medzi¹tátnom spore nie je táto skutoènos» smerodajná. Prosím, aby ste zaèali konanie proti Kanade na základe èlánku 41 odsek 1 Medzinárodného paktu o obèianskych a politických právach. (Uverejnené v Zbierke zákonov è. 23/1976 strana 570.) V rámci mo¾nosti vyhláste aj na území Európskej Únie pátranie po sudcovi.
Ja som v núdzi. Prosím po¹lite mi 10 €, alebo 100 €, ak je to mo¾né, alebo ak je príli¹ veµa, po¹lite mi 1 €, ak sa to dá urobi» pre mòa.
Èíslo úètu:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
Meno: Peter Vargay
adresa: Maïarsko, Debrecen, Hatvan U. 1. c.
Help me!
Please, if anyone of your friends or acquaintances works as a policeman or judge or prosecutor or lawyer or politician or works for any Ministry or any church, please forward this email to him/her. Unfortunately, I was not able to find their addresses.
Please, help me; I am in a very big trouble. I am a mathematician scientist; I was rich until a few years ago. I developed computer anti virus security systems for the most important for the most security protected government organizations and factories of my country, for many-many years. I developed the whole anti-virus security system for the Supreme Court of Hungary for 10 years, and the protection system developed by me protected all the customs office all over the country, chemical and pharmacy factories, the only and big steel factory, printing houses, hospitals, city halls, schools. All together more than 20 thousands computer were protected by my scientific programs. I was rich, I owned 4 apartments.
A Canadian court passed a 850 000 € judgement against me five years ago, from which more than 800 000 € is totally unlawful, without any legal ground. I became almost totally homeless from this judgement. The point of view of Canada is that I made a mistake during the proceeding when I was not able to obtain a document, and their position is that a person like this is not entitled to a fair trial, has no right to appeal, is not entitled to a judgement according to the law. So they disqualified us, they did not allow our party to participate in my own lawsuit, they did not conduct any evidence taking procedure, the judge departed from the law by more than 800 000 €, all of these as a punishment. I have to pay monthly 1 090 € lifelong spousal support for a healthy 25 years old woman as a punishment, and she never has to work any more in her life, while she is totally able to work, she is not in need, all of these for my alleged mistake as a punishment. If there was no punishment, then she could not have had any spousal support, not even one cent, since she is not entitled to it according to the law, but I am not entitled to a judgement according to the law as a punishment. All my assets has gone by now, 3 of my family member died, 1 diagnosed with cancer, I have not seen my child in the past 6 years, since not allowing me to see my child is also part of the punishment. The unlawful judgement is my punishment, because I was not able to obtain the financial papers of a Hungarian company, which was demanded through me by the Canadian court. A whole family, a whole family of a scientist, a family of a scientist of the strongest country around the world (European Union) cannot die just because a Canadian judge miscalculate the judgement by 800 000 €, just because a Canadian judge is not willing to pass a judgement according to the law.
The two lawyers of my wife were Ms. Israel and Mr. Goldstein; the judge was Ms. Waldman in this proceeding.
There was a Court case in Canada, in which the captain of a foreign freight ship did not file a document in the seaport after the arrival, they were suited for this, they were disqualified from the proceeding, and finally the whole ship was taken away. The ship did not smuggle anything, and no any other crime was committed, just Canada simply imagines, that one of the parties can be disqualified, and the judge can pass a judgement whatever he wants after only one party has remained in the proceeding. One freight ship for a piece of paper. The Somali pirates are holy hermits compared with Canada. This is the efficient way of stealing freight ships, not that stupid way of the Somali pirates.
Canada is developing backward in the law science. There are more and more disqualifications from proceedings and trials, very few percentages of the judgments have reasoning part, there is absolutely no public pronouncement of judgements all over the country, not even one. The judges pass judgments contradicted the law; they systematically do not conduct any kind of evidence taking procedure, like the judge did not conduct it in my case either. The judges do not know even the most fundamental principles, they do not understand them, and they do not observe them. There was a pretty good administration of justice in Canada long time ago, I have read laws and judgements with excellent reasoning part from the 1920’s, they were as good as the Europeans or USA ones, but they have forgotten everything for today. The thing there cannot be named as administration of justice.
The European Union became the strongest country of the world for today. This is a federation with own Prime Minister, own Minister of Foreign Affairs, and own army. Practically, we can say, this is the United States of Europe. I request you, I beg you, do not allow Canada to do this with me or with other scientists of the European Union. Why would we allow, why would the strongest country of the world allow for Canada to plunder the scientists of the strongest country of the world, to amuse itself with playing with these scientists, to rush the families of the scientists of the European Union to the death, to make the rich scientists of the European Union homeless with incredible judicial frauds? I ask, I beg, please do not allow Canada this.
I started an international court process against Canada in front of the Geneva International Court, the submissions can be found in the attachment of this email, joined into one document. The International Court did not examine the merit of the complaint, because I did not finish any appeal process against the judgement in front of a Canadian court. But I was not able to appeal exactly because I was disqualified from all the court processes in Canada, even from all the appeal processes. We explained to the international court that all the appeal was forbidden, and after it, they did not examine the merit of my complaint because I did not appeal. But this was exactly we complained about, that we were not allowed to appeal. We explained that we tried to launch the appeal but our documents were rejected by the court of second instance. The international court misunderstood lots of things from our submissions; you can check everything in the attachment. One of their arguments was that we did not exhaust the constitutional challenge while it was an effective and available remedy and they established the final conclusion on this argument. But we explained in one of our submissions that the Canadian Constitution does not protect the rights which we complained about so the constitutional challenge cannot be effective. It seems, they did not find the part of our submission, which proved in detail that the Constitution does not protect the complained rights. Since the international court did not quote our doubts for the para 4.4 of the Decision, and their final conclusion is reasoned by the para 4.4.
I would like to request you to sue Canada as one country sues another country. Since if a country sues Canada then the international court must examine the merit of the complaint and they must decide about the merit of the case, which they did not do for my complaint. If a country sues Canada then it cannot be a reason for the dismissal, that I exhausted all the remedies or not. During lawsuits between countries, it is not a standpoint. Please start a suit against Canada on the base of article 41 paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (Uverejnené v Zbierke zákonov è. 23/1976 strana 570.) Please issue a warrant of arrest against the Canadian judge for the jurisdiction of the European Union.
I am in need. Please send me 10 €, or 100 €, if you can, or if it is too much, please send me 1 € if you can do this for me.
Account number:
IBAN: HU82 1070 0141 6515 8795 5000 0005
name: Peter Vargay
address: Hungary, Debrecen, Hatvan u. 1. c.
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V noci z 26. na 27. dubna zaplavila tato zpráva e-mailové schránky v mnoha zemích. Jazyková mutace zprávy byla pøizpùsobena místem doruèení. Do èeských e-mailových schránek byl doruèen tento text napsaný dobrou èe¹tinou a za ním následoval anglický pøeklad.
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Ve¹keré obdr¾ené vzorky byly pravdìpodobnì rozeslány z domény ( Podle výpisu EURIDu je jako registrant - technický kontakt uvedeno stejné jméno jako ve vý¹e zmiòovaných dokumentech.
Celý dlouhý text silnì pøipomíná nigerijský scam typu "byl jsem bohatý, ale diktatura mì vyhání ze zemì a potøebuji ka¾dý dolar", ale tentokrát ve¹keré kontakty, vèetnì banky jsou v Maïarsku.
Co pøesnì za touto spamovací akcí vìzí zatím nelze pøesnì urèit. Je mo¾né, ¾e se jedná o promy¹lené zkombinování a zneu¾ití veøejnì dostupných informací, ale ani ostatní mo¾né verze, vèetnì pravdivosti nejsou doposud zcela vylouèeny.
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