Regions Bank US InterAct - Urgent Request 20070627
První výskyt: 06.2007
Text hoaxu
Dear Regions Bank US InterAct Customers,
In accordance with introduction of the new security level in our system, it is urgently requested to follow this link and to create a secret question/answer pair, which will be an additional measure for preventing unauthorized access to Your accounts.
If You are not Regions Bank US InterAct Customer please disregard this letter.
Regions Online Banking Customer Service
©2007 Regions Financial Corporation
Member FDIC
This mail is generated by automated service. Do not reply.
In accordance with introduction of the new security level in our system, it is urgently requested to follow this link and to create a secret question/answer pair, which will be an additional measure for preventing unauthorized access to Your accounts.
If You are not Regions Bank US InterAct Customer please disregard this letter.
Regions Online Banking Customer Service
©2007 Regions Financial Corporation
Member FDIC
This mail is generated by automated service. Do not reply.
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Internet je obrovským zdrojem svobodných informací, ale tato svoboda zároveň dává mnoha podvodným živlům velký prostor pro vyvíjení různých podvodných aktivit.
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